
I run jaytay.co.uk on behalf of my wife Jessica Taylor-Bearman

Dear Bug… The Oliver Fisher Unit (2/2)

Felicity was taken straight from theatre to the Oliver Fisher Unit, which is a specialist baby unit. I had looked around the unit before I gave birth to her, as a practise that every new to be parents should see. I’m so glad that I did. It had scared me, seeing all the big machines […]

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Dear Bug… The Loneliness of the M.E. Monster

It is National Loneliness Week and I want to talk about how loneliness has affected me within my M.E. journey. When I first became chronically unwell, my life changed dramatically. I had been a very sociable 14-year-old, who enjoyed school and being with my friends. The truth was, I didn’t have that energy to spare

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Dear Bug… B is For Bath

Last week was an emotional one. We were looking after my brother and sister-in-laws cats for a week, whilst they were on holiday. It gave us a chance to not completely follow a routine. I don’t think I’ve done this since I’ve been home from hospital with care. So that would be 9 years. It’s

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Dear Bug… A Royal Occasion

It’s not often that you get an invitation to the Queen’s Garden Party… So I was pretty shocked to get the letter through the post! I was invited for my charity work and raising awareness for severe M.E. It came in the thickest card I have ever seen and was really quite special. I thought

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Dear Bug… I am Speaking Out!

As soon as I found out I was expecting, I did everything I could to get as much support as was humanely possible, to make sure the baby and I were going to be safe. Within minutes of finding out, I was on the ball, calling my doctor’s surgery, the midwife number, my M.E. doctor,

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Dear Bug… What About Physiotherapy?

There was an overwhelming response to my pregnancy news. Rightly so, despite being happy for me, there was a lot of concern as to how my M.E. would be affected. A lot of people were interested in what the journey of being pregnant and suffering from a chronic illness like M.E. would be like… so

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